Sapp Family, Part 2

I’m so excited to share the second part of the Sapp Fam’s photos from this fall! (HERE is the super fun, colorful first post in case you missed it! 😉 I was waiting for a bit on these ones as they had an exciting announcement to make with these photos! This beautiful family is adopting a child from Uganda! I feel honored to call the Sapp’s friends and was ecstatic to be able to help them share this important change to come! (you can read more about the adoption HERE! And also PLEASE be sure and check out the amazing organization that Samantha works with called Sweet Sleep!)

3 Responses

  1. I can’t believe how many great shots you got of Elijah. He’s not exactly interested in having his pic taken. Thanks for working your magic:) As always, they are more than we could have asked for. Thank you so much!!

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